Sooooo it’s a really long story, but I’ll just summarize what happened super quick: basically, I realized that I had really exploded at Izy and she was starting to feel really beat down. I’d really gone all-out of her, and I felt like there was some apologizing to do. She admitted that she shouldn’t have told Daniel (who, by the way, didn’t believe anything she said) that stuff, and I told her that I was really sorry for exploding. We’re still best friends.

  I was sick from Tuesday to Friday, which sucked because I had a really bad sore throat. I’m a little better today. I watched the Sochi Opening Ceremony last night, which was pretty awesome. Also, today I’m going to this thing called the Daddy-Daughter Dance. It sounds incredibly stupid, but it’s actually really fun. They have music and like tons of cookies and usually at least one of my friends will be there. I’m not sure if Jessie is going this year, but she did last year.

  OH. ONE LAST THING. So there’s this popular British Youtuber called AmazingPhil. If you haven’t heard of him, you probably live in a cave. Anyway, I was watching a live stream of him this morning, and usually at the beginning of each stream he says hi to everyone that’s there. AND GET THIS: he actually pronounced my name right. Most people mess it up a ton, BUT HE ACTUALLY SAID IT RIGHT. Here. Have some beautiful truth.


  Skip to 1:04. Proof.

  Yeah… that’s all…



  Anyway... I was sick today, which was actually pretty nice because of this iNTERNATIONAL HOLIDAY. I basically spent the whole day sitting at my computer and listening to FOB's full discography, as well as playing Minecraft (yes I know I'm a geek, deal with it).

  I'm actually really mad now because I just found out that Danisnotonfire finished a live stream thing like 5 minutes before I checked Twitter. I ALWAYS MISS HIS SHOWS BY A HALF HOUR OR LESS. It's like he watches to see when I'm not on or something.

  Daisey was sick yesterday, but Annelise was there so I got to talk with her and watch Jessie start to feel what it's like to be left out. Don't call it mean, it was totally necesarry. It's crunch time here. I'm seriously craving revenge.

 I need some fellow FOB fans (alliteration, lol. I missed English class today so I guess this makes up for it). pLEASE COMMENT OR SOMETHNIG IF YOU LIKE FOB, TOO. WE CAN BE BEST FRIENDS UNTIL I'M 72.

  That's all.

I'm being replaced.

  So now that Jessie is fascinated with the male species, she's sort of replaced me. There's this girl named Daisey, who has had like three ex-boyfriends, and has a boyfriend right now. She's barely 13. Jessie usually runs up to say hi when she sees me walking by in the morning, but yesterday she was talking with Daisey and she just sort of looked at me and kept talking with Daisey. It really sucks. I know that I have been sort of wanting to break off the friendship with Jessie, but not like this.

  Izy and I have been initiating "Operation Panda." Izy showed the guy that Jessie likes, whose name is Zane, all the creepy emails Jessie was sending about him. We had hoped that it would make him stop liking her, but I don't think it made him think of her any differently. Here's the basic situation:

  Zane "sorta" likes Jessie, but he also likes three other girls. Jessie likes Zane. Jessie also likes another boy (whose name I don't know, so we'll call him ChuckBob). She liked him last year, then she didn't, and now she does again. ChuckBob likes her, too, and he told her. But "another girl is 'stealing' him just because she thinks he's cute, and she doesn't even know him that well." (Quote courtesy of Jessie)

  ChuckBob is moving in the summer (THANK GOD), so Jessie doesn't know what to do. It's super complicated, and really stupid. Anyway...

  We started having PE class, too. I'm really sore. A few boys went into the locker room to get their water bottles (which they weren't supposed to do), so the whole class had to do push-ups. I'm not sure if I've made it clear before, but I'm super weak. For example, I did Irish dancing for three years. Guess what? By the end of those three years of hard work and stretching, I had BARELY developed and muscle in my calves. I can't even do three push-ups, unless I'm using my knees instead of my feet.

  Anyway, today's been pretty "meh." I felt really tired a few hours ago, so I took a 3-hour nap. Now my face is all pale (well, paler than usual), and I don't feel very well. Just like all over. Also, my dad was going to buy me some face paint for the Super Bowl (GO HAWKS OKAY), but he didn't know where to find any, so I might just have to look normal tomorrow. Boohoo.

  Annelise was sick like all week, too. So I had to sit in the bleachers where we usually eat at lunch, and listen to Daisey and Jessie giggle about the "adorable" texts that Daisey's boyfriend sent her. After a few seconds of their mindless babbling, I would resist the urge to punch both of them in the face (hard), and just pull out my iPod. Nothing a bit of punk pop can't fix, right?  <-------that's actually a lie

  Annelise and Jessie and I used to walk around outside once we finished our lunches. Now Jessie and Daisey do the same thing, without me.

  I guess I'll have to get used to it.

  Just me and my music now.